These are some of the things C. Flynt has been up to, some of our personal lives, some reviews of things we've read, some stuff we've learned.

The blogs are organized by date.

Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.

<< Aug, 15, 2022 - Bugs Sep, 01, 2022 - Covid >>
Aug, 25, 2022 - OpenContractChallenge
The hot news is that the chapter I sent in for consideration for a publishing contract made it into the next round. There are five pieces up for consideration, one will be offered a hard-copy book contract, one will be offered an e-book publication, and one will get 50 bucks and try-again-next-year. The other two just get to go away.

Still, this is way closer to having my book accepted than I ever expected.

Amusingly enough, in one of my critique groups we were comparing notes on various publishing competitions we've entered lately. It turned out that one of my friends is another of the five candidates.