These are some of the things C. Flynt has been up to, some of our personal lives, some reviews of things we've read, some stuff we've learned.

The blogs are organized by date.

Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.

This weekend was the North American Science Fiction Conference (NASFiC) in Buffalo, NY.

This is a 4 day conference: Thur - Sun. I drove out on Thursday and got to my hotel in time to register, look around, chat and find dinner.

On Friday I was on four panels, starting at 10:00 AM discussing how to fine-tune your dialog with Elizabeth Moon, Brenda Clough, and Greg Frost. All well known SF writers. Luckily, I was the moderator on this panel, so all I had to do was ask questions and get out of the way. (which I mostly did).

I finished the day discussing how to write bawdy songs, mostly talking to folks who know more bawdy songs than I do.

One of the editors who's bought a few of my stories attended this convention and made it a point to seek me out to get a meal together. It ended up being a fast meal because he had other meetings to work around, but it's like being a Real Author (tm) to meet your editor just to chat about life, the universe and what you're working on.

He does an anthology every couple years, and I've sold a story about the same character to him for each of the last three issues. He mentioned that he appreciates that because having a continuing character makes his anthologies a series instead of just another collection of stories.

I assured him that I had a new story ready for him as soon as he opens the next submission.

I also got a chance to chat with an editor who has rejected 4 or 5 of my stories so far. I got a preview of the themes for his next anthologies, so I can start working on stories for him to reject sooner, rather than later.

I met another writer who's written a program to help you write. His is an outlining/concept mapping tool, not a editing/cleanup tool like Editomat.

One of the other editors I met is hoping to do an anthology of stories about scoundrels. I'm looking forward to him starting that one, since I love writing about scoundrels. I could probably fill his anthology with just the scoundrel stories I've already had rejected.