These are some of the things C. Flynt has been up to, some of our personal lives, some reviews of things we've read, some stuff we've learned.

The blogs are organized by date.

Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.

<< Jul, 19, 2014 - Detcon1 Saturday: Jul, 19, 2014 - Detcon1 Saturday: >>
Jul, 19, 2014 - Detcon1 Saturday: What Am I Looking For
Diana M Pho (editor), Sam Morgan (agent), Neil Clarke (editor) Richard Flores IV (editor) and Kate Baker (Editor, Representative of SFWA) described what they are looking for and what they'll pay for it.

Neil Clarke (Clarke's World) accepts short stories 1-8K in length. Pays $0.10 per word up to 4K, $0.07 per word after.

Richard Flores encouraged those who receive rejections from the prozines but think they have a good story to submit to Plasma Frequency and other semi-pro magazines. Sometimes acceptance/rejection is a matter of editor taste; what one editor likes another may not. Looking for Flash (up to 3K) fiction, SF, humor, some Fantasy.

Diane Pho (Tor) accepts both adult and YA fiction. Looking for steampunk, historical fantasy, stories with cross-over appeal, stories with socio-political themes. What catches her are: strong expression of ideas, good world-building, non-Western world, marginalized voices.

Sam Morgan wants novels, particularly those with humor. "Weird, Wonderful, Unique," he said.

Other points from general discussion:

  • Zombies, vampires, Celtic culture have been done to death.

  • All are looking for a unique voice. If on the fence, the editor may put it aside, and if the story is still strong in memory, it's a sale.

  • (Clarke) Blowing the end is worse than a bad opening. With the bad opening, he can stop reading. When he is captured, reads to the end, only to find he can't accept, he feels his time has been wasted.

  • Query letters. They show 1)if you have read the submission guidelines, 2)if you have read the magazine/know the publisher's tastes, and 3)if you know the editor. Queries should be one page, unique to the editor/publisher, and mention what is unique about/central to the story.

  • Writer Beware is a valuable source to any writer who wants to avoid scams and others who would prey on the unsuspecting.