The blogs are organized by date.
Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.
The panelists ranged from me, who never did NaNoWriMo (but helped Carol) to folks who reworked their novel and got it trad pubbed.
There are as many things to do after you've finished NaNo as there are people who finish. Some like to keep on going while the idea is hot (particularly if you didn't completely finish your story). Others prefer to let the story sit and then start reworking it, when they aren't so full of "oh, I'm so Great!".
As expected, we all use different tools to write and rework the novels after we're done.
Several folks use Scrivener, and Grammarly is respected.
I explained what Editomat does.