These are some of the things C. Flynt has been up to, some of our personal lives, some reviews of things we've read, some stuff we've learned.

The blogs are organized by date.

Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.

Confusion 2018 - Through the Looking Glass was held at the Novi Sheraton.

As ever, the convention was a lot of fun. I spent time with a lot of friends who live within lunch distance, but I never see outside a hotel, total strangers, and friends from faraway. I didn't leave the Saturday Filk until 1:30. I might have stayed longer if I wasn't on a 10:00 AM panel on Sunday.

Confusion is developing a really strong writing track. I attended more than a half dozen sessions, and all were excellent.

My highlights included:

  • Chatting with dozens of friends.
  • Lunch with Jen Haeger, Scott and Dave.
  • Thai dinner with Steve Andre, Marcus Watts and Jennifer Dye.
  • Chatting with PocketDaemon (Katherine Ericksen) at her table in the alley.
  • Filking until much too late.
  • Panels that are described in the next blogs.
  • Seeing small publishers representing everything from Subterranean to Apex. I wonder if they are named for each other?
  • Lots of really good hall costumes, particularly the Weeping Angel and Boba Fett.