These are some of the things C. Flynt has been up to, some of our personal lives, some reviews of things we've read, some stuff we've learned.

The blogs are organized by date.

Comments will appear when we've had time to check them. Apology for the inconvenience, but it's a way to keep phishers and spammers off the page.

Caz has been getting Farmer's Dog food for the past few months. This is a wet food (People Grade!) that comes in a single-day's feeding per plastic bag.

When I empty a bag, I cut it open and spread it on the floor so Caz can lick the last crumbs off the inside. This pleases him a great deal.

However, Miles has learned the schedule, and he shows up as soon as the bag is emptied. While Caz is gobbling his lunch, Miles is slurping at the cut-open bag as fast as he can.

Eventually (really, not very long) Caz finishes engulfing his meal and comes for desert.

But, there's a cat eating HIS food! A cat he's not allowed to chase or molest. He can't even touch it. But this is *HIS* food. He looks at me with the big, sad, beagle eyes, then he looks at the foot-square chunk of plastic with almost a half-teaspoon of food scraps, then back at me, and back at the cat.

What's a poor puppy to do? He could *STARVE*!

After I refuse to intervene, Caz decides he can slurp just the corner of the plastic without quite touching the cat, and that's probably allowed.

When a tongue the size of Manhattan slurps a chunk of plastic, the plastic moves. Two slurps, and the plastic has moved. Caz controls access and Miles can't reach it.

Caz, ever victorious, eats in peace.

Don't worry that Miles will starve. This week, Miles learned about applying the Cat's First Law of Motion: If you push it hard enough, it will fall over the edge. He applied this to the Furbo, which promptly flipped its lid and spread greenies across the floor.

I managed to scoop up slightly more of them than Miles consumed. That's mostly because I was just picking them up, while Miles took time to swallow. I think he skipped chewing.

I've moved the Furbo further from the counter edge.