We write the kind of stories we like to read. Upbeat stories where the protagonist gets handed the sticky end of things but with cleverness and persistence manages to beat someone over the head with it. With luck, he or she grows a bit and maybe finds romance and happiness.
At least, until the next story. Life is boring (for a protagonist) when there are no problems.
We enjoy writing these, and hope you'll enjoy reading them.
A long time ago (1985) Mary Ellen Wessels
and Clif recorded a tape of filk music in Bob Laurent's living room on his
State-of-the-Art 4 track cassette deck.
Hieronymous Glyph, Alchemist at Law is in fine company in this
collection when he tries to help an elf baker survive in the
fast-rising bakery business.
You can buy it here.
I just sold "Cooking Up Trouble" to Unidentified Funny Objects #9.
This is the third Hieronymous Glyph short story they've purchased.
Hieronymous Glyph returns to assist a client who is being tormented by banshees, buzzards and bosses.
We're sharing this issue with David Gerrold, Esther Friesner, Laura Resnick and a bunch of others.
The book will be released in the fall of 2018.
_Scaredy Cat_ will be the final short story in _Unintended Consequences_ when it's released in April or May.
Carol explained common grammar errors and how to avoid them to a full house on Sunday afternoon, when folks are usually trying to get home, not sit for a grammar talk.
Clif showed how to use Editomat to fine-tune dialog, provided an overview of Linux Virtual Machine options, and participated in the Writer's Block readings. He read Contractual Obligations. At that time, it was in the UFO #7 slush pile. A few weeks later it was accepted for publication.
Detcon was a lot of fun. It was our first con as budding authors instead of fans, so we attended different programming than we've done in the past. It was like finding a new world in our backyard.
What could go wrong if you install self-modifying code and a need to
optimize performance onto a Martian Rover?
You can buy it here.
The paperback and ebook will be available on Amazon and Dark Myth's webstore early in 2023.
Our sales to Atthis Arts and UFO pushed us over the membership requirement. We're now officially, really, authors.
For a long-time SF convention fan, the bounce from "fan" to "pro" is pretty cool.
It's available Here
There are a few reviews out there, but my favorite is from Fantistica Ficcion
For those who don't read Spanish, here's how Google translated
the review:
You can buy the book from Amazon or directly from Atthis Arts.
You can buy a copy from Lulu.